Lowe House 2025

Introducing Lowe House

Maryland Federation of Art (MFA) has been invited to exhibit artwork at the Lowe House of Delegates Building in Annapolis, Maryland. Original 2D work created through any media and following entry guidelines are eligible for entry. The selected works will be on exhibit at the Lowe House of Delegates Building (6 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD 21401) during the 2025 Legislative Session from January 8 to April 7, 2025

Juror: Leora Maltz-Leca: Professor, Contemporary Art Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) & Curator of Contemporary Projects (and founder, Redwood Contemporary Arts Initiative)

Leora Maltz-Leca teaches and writes about contemporary art. She is particularly interested in how artists from the postcolonies and the global south are reshaping late modernism by refusing its most cherished assumptions, its hierarchies and its dogmas. At RISD Maltz-Leca teaches large lecture courses on global modernism and contemporary art and leads focused seminars on materiality, process, race, critical theory and the artist’s lecture. Her MFA seminar, The Gradual Contemporary, brings a range of artists, art historians, and critics to RISD to share with students their divergent takes on the contemporary. Maltz-Leca holds undergraduate degrees in painting and in philosophy, a background that continues to shape her interest in the stakes of studio materials and processes: both the pragmatics of making and unmaking, and the metaphorics of artistic process as a form of mental processing. Her book on William Kentridge, Process as Metaphor & Other Doubtful Enterprises (University of California Press, 2018), explores how the South African artist renders the physical processes of the studio—cutting, pasting and projecting light—as metaphors for the way we think and live. Her second book (also an upcoming exhibition) titled Material Politics: Matter and Meaning In and Out of the Postcolonies continues to explore the politics embedded in material choices, addressing how a range of contemporary artists plumb the histories and associations of specific substances to materialize the political through their formal.



Exhibition Schedule:

  • Sept 17 Online Entry Opens for Submissions
  • Nov 6 Entry Deadline
  • Dec 4 Notification @ 5 PM
  • Jan 2 – 5 Receiving of Accepted Works
  • Jan 7 Exhibition Opens
  • Jan 12 Virtual Awards Ceremony from 4 – 5 PM via Zoom
  • Apr 8 Last Day of the Exhibition
  • Apr 8 – 9 Pick-up Hand-Delivered Work from 11 AM – 4 PM
  • Apr 17 Shipped Work Will Be Sent

NOTE: Should Circle Gallery or any other exhibition space be closed for reasons beyond our control, MFA reserves the right to move a planned physical exhibit to our online gallery.

User Entry Process Tutorial

Watch the video below for a tutorial on how to upload your entries.

How to Upload


Artist Conditions

  •  Entry is open to artists who are either MFA Members or Anne Arundel County Residents.
  • Entering this exhibition indicates understanding and agreement on the part of the artist with the conditions stated herein and with (a) MFA’s approved Statement of Equity and Diversity and (b) MFA’s General Guidelines. Work must meet exhibition guidelines to be included in the event. MFA may determine work ineligible if entry guidelines are not followed. Work delivered must correspond with the image(s) submitted to the juror.
  • Images of accepted works may be used at the sole discretion of MFA for promotional purposes including, but not limited to: the invitation, catalog, website, social media, or a subsequent year’s prospectus. Images will include attribution wherever possible.
  • Work cannot be withdrawn before the end of the event.


Entry Requirements

  • All work must be uploaded through artcall.org. File size may be no more than 10 MB.
  • For video submissions: you must put the link to the video in the Linked Web Resource field, and then upload a still frame from the video. For accepted video submissions, the artist will be expected to deliver the file to MFA on a thumbdrive.
  • To enter online, you will need an artcall.org account that includes an email address and a password. There is no charge to create an artcall.org account.
  • Non-member entrants who have a discrepancy between the entry fee paid and their membership status must pay the difference before the
    display date or their work will not be shown to the juror.



  • Images for the juror must correspond with the actual work.
  • All entries must be original and completed solely by the artist’s hand. A maximum of 6 original works created within the past 3 years may be entered.
  • Work previously exhibited at MFA Circle Gallery is not eligible for re-entry.



  • Artists will retain 70% from sales (75% for MFA Members). MFA will retain 30% commission (25% for MFA Members) on any work sold through MFA.
  • Work must be for sale. Work may be set to Price on Request (POR).

What is a submission?

One submission or application on artcall.org is the equivalent of one entry on MFA’s old entry system, or one piece submitted for jurying. Artcall.org uses the terms submission and application interchangeably.

How do I enter a video submission?

When submitting a video, you must put the link to the video in the Linked Web Resource field, and you must upload a screenshot of the video as an attachment.

Can I edit my submissions after I've submitted them? 

Artcall.org requires you to select the number of submissions / applications you want to enter and to pay before entering in your image and image details. You can edit your submission details along with images you've attached up until the submission period is over. Once the submission period has ended, you cannot edit their entries in any form.

Can I add more submissions after I've paid?

You must submit a separate submission / application for each piece of artwork you wish to be shown to the juror.  You have the option to add a second or third image of the same work to your submission / application as a detail photograph This is not required.

Have the entry fees changed at all?

The fees have changed but not drastically, 1 or 2 entries are $30. Up to 4 additional entries are $4.50 each. Entry fees are non-refundable.

Who is this exhibition open to?

We invite all artists residing in any of the states or territories of the US, Canada, or Mexico to enter this exhibition.